Ghost Hour

Ghost Hour (Cover).png
Ghost Hour
Product information
Type Novel
Author Jennifer Brozek
Publication information
Publisher Catalyst Game Labs
Product code CAT35828
First published 26 June 2020
ISBN-10 1942487800
ISBN-13 978-1942487807
Era Dark Age Era
Timeline 11 - 17 April 3150
Series Rogue Academy Trilogy
Preceded by Iron Dawn
Followed by Crimson Night

The novel Ghost Hour by Jennifer Brozek is the second installment of the Rogue Academy Trilogy.

From the Back Cover[edit]


Jasper and Nadine Roux are cadets at the Ritza MechWarrior Academy…the only thing stopping a megalomaniacal Draconis Combine general with aspirations of claiming a piece of space as his own—starting with their home planet. Emporia is at war, and cadets are now frontline soldiers as Tai-sa Takeji Yoshizawa shifts tactics in a brutal effort to subjugate their entire world.

It’s up to the siblings and their friends to stop the madman bent on conquest, but while Jasper believes Nadine is too reckless, Nadine believes Jasper is still living in the past. As both struggle to do what they think is right, the Ritza Academy comes under assault once more. It takes a shocking sacrifice to make them both see the true face of the enemy.

Reunited by the same purpose, Jasper agrees to Nadine’s audacious plan to make Emporia too much trouble for the leader of the Seventh Ghost Regiment to conquer. Unfortunately for them, Tai-sa Yoshizawa has his own secrets, and nothing left to lose. And even if Nadine’s plan works to perfection, the cunning general has one last trick up his sleeve that could bring about the end of everything Nadine and Jasper hold dear….

Plot summary[edit]

Featured characters[edit]

Featured BattleTech[edit]


Small Craft[edit]




Featured planets[edit]


Upon release the date given in the epigraph of each chapter states that the in-universe dates are in 3155, BattleTech Line Developer Ray Arrastia has confirmed that the correct year is 3150 placing the events of the novel a few days after the events of Iron Dawn.