Harvest Militia

Harvest Militia
Formed prior to 3028
Disbanded 3050 (destroyed)
Affiliation Free Rasalhague Republic
Draconis Combine (previous)
Parent Command KungsArmé
DCMS (previous)

The Harvest Militia was assigned to defend Harvest[1]


Fourth Succession War[edit]

The garrison on Harvest when the LCAF invasion force arrived in August 3028 consisted of twenty assorted regiments of armor and infantry and two mercenary 'Mech regiments, the Fifth Amphigean Light Assault Group and Helmut's Hermits. The Lyran forces dropped on the Ohio continent en masse and made immediate and effective use of the new Lightning Companies created as a result of the cross-training and cooperation between the LCAF and the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns in the years before the invasion. In two key battles - one the Battle of Dangalobee Fields Where the First Lyran Regulars fought the Fifth Amphigean Light Assault Group, and the other the Battle for Pusou Hill where the Fourth Donegal Guards RCT and elements of both Lyran Regulars RCTs fought against the Hermits - the Lightning Companies exploited weaknesses in the enemy line to break through and wreak havoc in the DCMS rear areas, catching their opponents by complete surprise.[2]

Clan Invasion[edit]

Harvest was conquered by Clan Wolf during Operation Revival as part of their Third Wave of attacks in July 3050. Opposing the 341st Assault Cluster, which committed its Supernova Second, Trinary Assault and Rogue Fighter Star, were the 1st and 2nd Royal Harvest Divisions. The defenders were under the command of Överste Kinson, a veteran of the famed Tyr Regiment during the Fourth Succession War. Överste decided it was best flee into the Skonnsen mountain range with his forces, including a regiment of ancient 'Mechs, and conduct guerrilla operations against the Clan invaders. Their tactics worked, with major battles taking place at Josuph Corner, Rookhaven, Dangalobee and Aaron Ranch, until they were betrayed from within and Clan Wolf fell upon their hiding place. To decide the fate of their forces Överste Kinson challenged Star Captain Cary Vickers to an honor duel, and while he lost the skill and honor he displayed in combat inspired the Star Captain to ask him to head the planet's occupation government.[3]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the Harvest Militia
Överste Kinson 3050



Composition History[edit]

Fourth Succession War[edit]

Twenty assorted regiments of armor and infantry.[4]


  • First Royal Harvest Division[1]
  • Second Royal Harvest Division[1]

==> A Regiment's worth of old 'Mechs plus supporting troops.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 60
  2. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, p. 46, "Harvest"
  3. Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 60
  4. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, p. 46, "Harvest"
