Judith Benson

Judith Benson
AffiliationTeam Triton
Magistracy of Canopus
ProfessionArena Gladiator
SiblingsRobert Benson

Judith Benson was a MechWarrior fighting on team fights on Solaris during the Dark Age.[1]


Judith Benson was born on Claybrooke.

On 3146 Judith Benson was new to the Solaris dueling circuit fighting for Team Triton. She was known for her solid skills in The Pool and The Mud Pit arenas, where her modified Agrotera excels.

He relation to her sibling is strained. Few know what caused the rift between Judith and her brother, and whenever the subject comes up, her known speaking abilities are lost and she becomes uncharacteristically mute.[1]

It is believed that she would have no problem fighting her brother, Robert Benson.[2]

Her Dueling Record (W/L/D) is 12/9/1.[1]


She is known for her mastery of psychological warfare. Combining perception, iron will, and a sharp wit, Benson has a knack for sizing up her opponents and finding any signs of doubt or self-consciousness chinks in their mental armor that she then pierces with verbal barbs as painful as any laser blast.[1]


Judith Benson was a Regular gunnery MechWarrior and a Veteran piloting MechWarrior.[2]


During her career Judith Benson piloted an AGT-UA Agrotera “Ariel”.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Experimental Technical Readout: Royal Fantasy, p. 3 "AGT-UA Agrotera Ariel"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Experimental Technical Readout: Royal Fantasy, p. 22 "Team Triton"
