Katrina Troth

Katrina Troth

Katrina Troth was a ComStar military officer who rose to command Com Guard First Army.[1]


Hailing from the Federated Suns world of Robinson, Troth ultimately joined ComStar following the Com Guards' public unveiling, being assigned to the Draconis Combine-based First Army's Ninety-First Division in 3033. While the Draconis March native's intensely anti-Combine upbringing initially caused her problems, she eventually overcame her prejudice, being repeatedly decorated and swiftly rising up the ranks to become a Precentor and executive officer of the entire First Army in 3045 under Katherine Luarca.[1][2]

Apocryphal Content Starts

The information after this notice comes from apocryphal sources; the canonicity of such information is uncertain.
Please view the reference page for information regarding their canonicity.

A Friday December 9th 3048 Inner Sphere News feed update indicated that Katrina Troth was fending off allegations she participated in a smuggling ring.[3]

Apocryphal Content Ends

Katrina Troth would serve under Luarca during the climactic Battle of Tukayyid, seeing action against Clan Ghost Bear. While the Clans overall were defeated, Katherine Luarca's performance and tactical decisions during the defense of Spanac and Luk led to her "promotion" to a administrative position overseeing the Com Guards' BattleMech procurement, with Troth the natural choice to take over as commander of the First Army, holding the rank of Precentor X in 3055. Reaching the rank of Precentor XVII in 3062, Troth was fiercely apolitical with the Combine, highly effective in building bridges in the First Army's postings.[1]

When ROM agent Judith Faber called for extraction during a scheduled Smoke Jaguar raid on Maldonado in May 3058, Troth ordered her 308th Division to proceed there with all available forces and recover Faber and Trent.[4]

Katrina Troth would command the First Army until the era of the FedCom Civil War, with Rachal Drake being promoted to command the First near its conclusion, the Combine-born Drake only improving relations with the First's postings around Dieron.[5]


Katrina Troth would pilot King Crab, proudly painting a small emblem of the planetary seal of Robinson on her 'Mech's left leg.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Field Manual: ComStar, p. 20, "First Army V-Kappa: The Bear Maulers"
  2. 2.0 2.1 BattleTech ComStar Command Level II, Katrina Troth pilot card
  3. Inner Sphere News Flash
  4. Exodus Road, Chapter 33 (PDF version)
  5. Field Manual: Updates, p. 84: "First Army V-Kappa (The Bear Maulers)"
