17th Avalon Hussars

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4th Succession War

War of 3039

Led by Field Marshal Ardan Sortek the 17th Avalon Hussars and the 1st Davion Guards attacked An Ting. The 17th took five thousand prisoners during the attack.[1] Several DCMS troops were able to escape death or capture, however, and led insurgent attacks against the AFFS troops. In late July Ryuken-roku landed on An Ting under the command of Tai-sa Dechan Fraser. Ryuken-roku struck at the largest AFFS prisoner of war camp, freeing thousands of DCMS troops. The Hussars and Davion Guards still had control of much of the planet however. That changed two weeks later when Tai-shu Kester Hsiun Chi arrived on An Ting with Ryuken-yon and several regiments of conventional forces. Field Marshal Sortek ordered the AFFS forces to retreat.[2]

Clan Invasion

The 17th Avalon Hussars were one of the units reassigned to the Clan front, but they didn't arrive until a few weeks before the Truce of Tukayyid. For the next five years they jumped along the front, keeping Clan Jade Falcon off-balance while the rest of the AFFC rebuilt.[3]

Operation Guerrero

The 17th didn't participate in Operation Guerrero, but was horrified when they discovered Victor Steiner-Davion's deception.[3]

Operation Bulldog

The 17th didn't participate in Operation Bulldog's combat operations, but their JumpShips were assigned to the forces used in Operation Bulldog and Task Force Serpent.[3]

Civil War

The homeworld of the 17th Avalon Hussars was Cassias. During the FedCom Civil War, the 17th attacked the Draconis Combine worlds of An Ting and Matsuida. An Ting fell relatively quickly,[4] and the 17th moved on to Matsuida. There they faced the 2nd Galedon Regulars, surrounding the green unit from three different drop zones. A battalion of the 7th Ghost was also on the world, and they smashed two of the 17th's smaller landing zones completely. The 17th's main force was able to destroy much of the 2nd Galedon Regulars before the 7th Ghost could open an escape route. The DCMS forces withdrew from the fight, with the 17th's fastest elements tracking the 7th Ghost and the slower units surrounding the city that housed the 2nd Galedon Regulars. The 2nd staged a series of small attacks on the 17th but didn't inflict major damage. After waiting for a few weeks, the 17th drove deep into the city. This brought the 7th Ghost out of hiding and the 17th destroyed them.[5] The 17th then turned to the 2nd Galedon Regulars. Commando squads from the 17th used snipers and other "dishonorable" tactics to kill the 2nd Galedon's officer corps. The 2nd, enraged by this, threw themselves into a suicidal charge of the 17th's fortified positions. Six weeks after the death of the 7th Ghost force, the 17th wiped out every member of the 2nd Galedon Regulars in less than an hour.[6]

A few months later, the 12th Galedon Regulars, Ryuken-Go, and the remaining 7th Ghost battalions landed on Matsuida. There the 7th Ghost faded into the wilderness, hitting smaller 17th Hussar commands and stirring the population against the Hussars. The 12th Galedon Regulars and Ryuken surrounded the main body of the 17th Hussars and prevented a breakout. Things came to a head when the 7th Ghost regiment turned their attention to the 17th's main base. The 12th Galedon Regulars forced a breach in the 17th's lines and shoved a battalion through the gap. A company from the 7th Ghost was able to infiltrate the rear areas of the 17th Hussars and went on a rampage. With his lines failing and his rear area no longer secure, the 17th's commander withdrew from Matsuida and returned to An Ting.[7]

The 17th landed on An Ting and found it a hotbed of Combine activity. Three days after they landed the 12th Galedon Regulars and Ryuken-Go arrived on An Ting. After splitting into two forces the 17th's armor regiment halted the Ryuken while the 17th's 'Mechs held the 12th Galedon in place. This led to several weeks of intense fighting as the two Hussar commands tried several times to join forces. The Ryuken and Galedon Regulars were able to prevent most of these attempts. The 17th finally did join into one unit however, and left An Ting. The 17th was pressured the entire way, and was forced to leave behind two regiments of mixed conventional forces.[8]

Landing on their homeworld of Cassias, the 17th occupied several fortified positions prepared by the 3rd Davion Guards when that unit was on the world. Shortly after the 17th's arrival, the 5th Sword of Light attacked Cassias. A few days later, two combat commands from the Third Davion Guards arrived to reinforce the Hussars. The AFFS forces were able to keep the Sword of Light pinned near their drop zones for several weeks. The arrival of Ryuken-Go changed things, allowing the Combine troops to finally take more ground. The 17th inflicted many casualties on the Combine units however.[9] The 17th slowly ground the DCMS troops down, advancing steadily, destroying and demoralizing them. Draconis Combine MechWarriors found this personal affront to their honor so insulting that several companies of turned and fought the Hussars in duels. The Combine commander, Tai-sa Shotoku led a force of volunteers directly into the path of the 17th Hussars. This fight restored the honor of the Combine warriors, and allowed them to withdraw.[10]

Several regiments abandoned their post, joining Katherine Steiner-Davion's forces on New Avalon.[11][12] They were destroyed.

The remaining units of the 17th Avalon Hussars were assigned to Talcott.[13]



Ardan Sortek was once a Lance Commander in the Hussars.[citation needed]

In 3025 the 17th Avalon Hussars were commanded by Marshal Addley Verner.[14]

As of 3062 the commanding officer was Hauptmann General Kev Evans[3]. Promoted to General, he was still in command in 3067.[15]


In 3025 the 17th Avalon Hussars were noted for their ability to deploy under heavy enemy fire. This tactic allowed them to get close to enemy forces, but also led to heavy casualties.[16] They were still able to do this forty years later.[3]

Composition History


17th Avalon Hussars (1 Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[3]

  • CO: Hauptman General Kev Evans
    • Aide Leftenant General: Cassandra Dzuiba

17th Avalon Hussars Aerospace Brigade (1 Wing)[3]

  • Kmd: Jamie Doucette
  • 44th Avalon Fighter Wing

17th Avalon Hussars Armor Brigade (3 Regiments/Regular/Reliable)[3]

  • CO: Hauptman General Trevor Cartmann
  • 99th Avalon Armor Regiment - Leftenant General: J.E. Ortiguerra
  • 198th Ipava Grenadiers - Leftenant General: Josephus Schoenauer
  • 445th Avalon Recon Regiment - Leftenant General: Lathan Kimayev
  • 35th Avalon Artillery Group - Kommandant: Pathinh Pi

17th Avalon Hussars Infantry Brigade (4 Regiments/Regular/Reliable)[3]

  • CO: Leftenant General Gandalf Darklight
    • Aide: Kommandant Don Bong Kim
  • 84th Avalon Light Infantry - Leftenant General: Searlas Halliden
  • 115th Crucis Mechanized Infantry - Leftenant General: Sonia Thao
  • 405th Avalon Mechanized Infantry - Leftenant General: Helmer Fineas Wojahn
  • 135th Federation Jump Infantry - Leftenant General: Darius Prohaska



  1. Historical: War of 3039, pp. 51-52
  2. Historical: War of 3039, pp. 102-103
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Field Manual: Federated Suns, p. 53, "17th Avalon Hussars Unit Profile"
  4. FedCom Civil War (sourcebook), pp. 48-49
  5. FedCom Civil War (sourcebook), pp. 71-72
  6. FedCom Civil War (sourcebook), p. 91
  7. FedCom Civil War (sourcebook), p. 108
  8. FedCom Civil War (sourcebook), p. 133
  9. FedCom Civil War (sourcebook), p. 136
  10. FedCom Civil War (sourcebook), pp. 166-167
  11. FedCom Civil War (sourcebook), p. 168
  12. Field Manual: Updates, p. 126
  13. Field Manual: Updates, p. 137, "Kathil PDZ"
  14. House Davion: The Federated Suns, p. 137, "Dahar PDZ"
  15. Field Manual: Updates, p. 137, "Kathil PDZ"
  16. House Davion (The Federated Suns), p. 140
