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(References to Terra) Template:InfoBoxStarSystem

Terra is the home planet of humanity. Called the "cradle of civilization" by the inhabitants of the 31st and 32nd centuries, Terra has been the capital of several interstellar nations and is the most industrialized planet in the Inner Sphere.

Planetary Data Terra[1]

  • Noble Ruler (3076): President of the Terran Congress Chris Windsor-Cameron
  • Position in System: 3 (of 8)
  • Time to Jump Point: 9.12 days
  • Number of Moons: 1 (Luna)
  • Surface Water: 75%
  • Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
  • Surface Gravity: 1.00
  • Equatorial Temp: 30°C
  • Highest Native Life: Mammals
  • Recharging Station: Zenith and Nadir
  • HPG Class: A (Multiple)
  • Population (3076): 6,350,000,000[2]
  • Population (3130): 4,678,000,000[1]
  • Governor: Richard Guilani
  • Planetary Legate: Helen Richter

Planetary Data Mars[3]

  • Noble Ruler: Precentor Martial Cameron St. Jamais
  • Star Type (Recharge Time): G2V (183 hours)
  • Position in System: 4
  • Time to Jump Point: 9.15 days
  • Number of Satellites: 2 (Phobos, Deimos)
  • Surface Gravity: 0.38
  • Atmosphere Pressure: Thin (Breathable)
  • Equatorial Temperature: 12°C (Arid)
  • Surface Water Coverage: 39 percent
  • Highest Native Life: None
  • Recharging Station: Both
  • HPG Class: A (Multiple)
  • Population (3076): 1,250,000

Manufacturing Centers Terra

Manufacturing Centers Mars


While Terra is the third planet from the star Sol, "Terra" as a term has come to be understood as encompassing all of the Sol system. The second planet, Venus, and the fourth planet, Mars, are also inhabited. In addition, the Titan shipyards is an orbital factory that can build and repair JumpShips and WarShips.

Mars Flag


Since the dawn of interplanetary travel, six flags have flown over Terra.

Terran Alliance

Terra was the seat of the Terran Alliance (renamed from Western Alliance in 2086). During the 22nd and early 23rd centuries the Alliance Parliament oversaw humanity's initial colonization efforts among the stars. This mass migration, eventually dubbed the 'Great Exodus', was responsible for the depopulation of Terra and solved the overpopulation problem the planet had been facing since the 20th century. Following the Alliance's humiliating defeat in the Outer Reaches Rebellion of 2235-36, Terra spitefully declared all colony worlds beyond a 30 light-year radius independent, whether such worlds wanted independence or not. From 2236 until its final destruction in 2315, the Terran Alliance focused inward on Terra. As repression and tyranny grew unchecked on Terra, the Alliance Parliament became riven with factionalism, until civil war erupted on Terra in 2315, leading to the downfall of the Terran Alliance.

Terran Hegemony

As the Alliance Global Militia had remained aloof from the Alliance government's petty infighting, its leader, Admiral James McKenna, was able to use his fleet to end the civil war on Terra and dissolve the Alliance Parliament. The old nation-state members of the Alliance became provinces under a single world government crafted by McKenna, who established the Terran Hegemony upon the ruins of the Alliance, and was elected its first Director-General by the Terran public.

Having re-established order upon humanity's homeworld, McKenna next solidified his control of the other worlds that had made up the Alliance. With the former Alliance's borders secure, Terra set about expanding its sphere of influence. Trade and diplomacy persuaded a few systems to join the Hegemony, but most of its new acquisitions were conquered by the Terran-dominated Hegemony Armed Forces. After a disastrous setback at Syrma in 2338 and McKenna's subsequent retirement, however, the Hegemony's new leader Michael Cameron focused upon consolidating Terra's empire and establishing relations with the neighbouring states that had sprung into existence.

Under the Cameron dynasty, Terra solidified its position as the military, political, and economic centre of the Hegemony. In particular, arms manufacturing was concentrated upon Terra. In addition, national loyalty to individual Terran nations was weakened and finally replaced by allegiance to Terra as a single world. Terra's environmental scars from centuries of industrialisation and overpopulation were erased, and the planet was converted into a beautiful capital world.

Star League

McKenna's dream of reuniting all of humanity under Terran rule finally came into fruition with the creation of the Star League, which unified humankind under Terra and House Cameron. The Star League's capital, officially known as the Court of the Star League and unofficially as Unity City, was located near Puget Sound on the continent of North America.

Terra's golden age came to an end with the Amaris Coup of 2767, and the subsequent Amaris Civil War. Far from opposing Amaris, many Terrans in fact supported him - first in accepting his deposition of the incompetent Richard Cameron, and later against the SLDF's leader Aleksandr Kerensky when the latter invaded the Hegemony. It was only when Terra itself was devastated by the SLDF invasion and the atrocities of Amaris' increasingly desperate forces that public opinion turned against the Usurper. The post-war purging of Amaris collaborators and Kerensky's Exodus left Terra and the Hegemony without any effective government, and consequently the Hegemony was defenceless against the predations of the Great Houses.


With the death of the Cameron dynasty, the only thing the Star League Council could agree upon was the necessity of reforming the shattered HPG network that allowed interstellar communication. They appointed Jerome Blake to this task. Kerensky bequeathed whole divisions worth of troops to Blake. The onset of the Succession Wars forced Blake to stop short of his goal of reforming the Terran Hegemony, but he was able to ensure total ComStar control over the Terran system.

A shroud of secrecy descended over Terra while the quasi-mystical ComStar ruled the system. On Terra, they hid untold divisions worth of troops and protected Star League-era technology while the Successor States blasted themselves back to the Industrial Revolution. ComStar ran their HPG network from the First Circuit Compound on Hilton Head Island.

In the late 3020s, Terra played host to the marriage of Prince Hanse Davion and Archon-designate Melissa Steiner that touched off the Fourth Succession War.

Word of Blake

In 3058, the Word of Blake splinter faction of ComStar seized control of the Terran system from ComStar. In 3065, it became the capital of the new Blake Protectorate. It was also host to at least three invasions. The first (Task Force Vengeance) came from Wolf's Dragoons in 3068. ComStar launched the second (Case White) shortly thereafter. Both of these attacks failed. The third invasion, led by Devlin Stone, was successful and resulted in the defeat of the Word of Blake and the cessation of their Jihad. At least one tactical nuclear device was used during that invasion to destroy the First Circuit Compound.

Republic of the Sphere

After the defeat of the Word of Blake, Devlin Stone created the Republic of the Sphere. Terra is home to the Republic's capital city of Geneva, Switzerland. Republican Terra has also seen its share of warfare.

Anastasia Kerensky, leader of the Steel Wolves, unsuccessfully attacked the planet in the early 3130s, hoping to fulfill the ancient Clan goal of capturing Terra. Shortly thereafter, infighting occurred between troops loyal to the republic's Exarch Jonah Levin and forces organized by Senate loyalists. Aided by Prince's Champion Julian Davion and his Federated Suns contingent, Levin's troops were able to drive the Senate loyalists off of Terra.

Owner History

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Dark Age: Republic Worlds (3130), p. 249, "Terra"
  2. Masters and Minions: The StarCorps Dossiers, p. 220, "Key Worlds of the Blake Protectorate"
  3. Masters and Minions: The StarCorps Dossiers, p 221
  4. Handbook: House Marik, p. 16, "Free Worlds League Founding [[2271]"
  5. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 13, "Lyran Commonwealth Founding [2341]"
  6. Handbook: House Liao, p. 17, "Capellan Confederation Foundation [2366]"
  7. Handbook: Major Periphery States, p. 18, "Rim Worlds Republic after Age of War [2571]"
  8. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 25, "Lyran Commonwealth after Age of War [2571]"
  9. Historical: Reunification War, p. 159, "Inner Sphere - 2596"
  10. Map of the Inner Sphere 3130
