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The command uses small units to find the enemy. If the enemy follow them in their retreat other forces start a flanking assault. Should the opponent turn to the new treat the retreating units attacks again. The conventional forces a trained to close the gab to the enemy swiftly to deliver devastating attacks.<ref name=FM:CCp90/>
The command uses small units to find the enemy. If the enemy follow them in their retreat other forces start a flanking assault. Should the opponent turn to the new threat the retreating units attacks again. The conventional forces are trained to close the gap to the enemy swiftly to deliver devastating attacks.<ref name=FM:CCp90/>
==Composition History==
==Composition History==

Revision as of 17:35, 20 March 2016

Formerly known as Leo’s Demons, Gordon's Demons and later Lord Carson's Cavaliers.




Third Succession War

In 3007 the regiments of McCarron's Armored Cavalry raided New Valencia, baseworld of Wolf's Dragoons. Though they seized several small communities, the Dragoons were able to hold off the Armored Cavalry units long enough for the Eridani Light Horse regiments to arrive. The MAC regiments didn't inflict any damage to the Dragoons, but did raze several villages.[1]

Fourth Succession War

In the Fourth Succession War all regiments of McCarron's Armored Cavalry except for the 1st were stationed on Menke. They later fought along campaign to defend Sarna but had to retreated off world as Davion reinforcements arrived in the end phase of the war.

Andurien/Canopus Invasion

In May 3032 the Fourth, along with the other regiments of McCarron's Armored Cavalry, landed on Betelgeuse. They quickly drove the First, Third, and 4th Defenders of Andurien, and the Tooth of Ymir off the world. They inflicted particularly heavy casualties on the First Defenders.[2]

The Fourth then landed on Prix with the 2nd McCarron's Armored Cavalry. They spent the next three weeks destroying the single battalion of the 3rd Defenders of Andurien. The skillful defense put up by the Defenders impressed the Cavalry, and the Cavalry prevented the Maskirovka's interrogation of the surviving Defenders. Instead the Defenders were repatriated to Andurien via ComStar. The Prix assault netted the Cavalry a great deal of spare parts, ammunition, and other supplies.[3]

Leo's Demons and Barton's Regiment then moved on to Shiba. There they faced the 5th Defenders of Andurien in July 3034. The Defenders fought for six weeks, but the two experienced mercenary regiments were able to drive them offworld. When the Fifth left, the Fourth didn't pursue.[4] Instead in May 3035 Leo's Demons landed on Canopus IV. They almost overran Raventhir's Iron Hand and the Canopian Cuirassiers, but Emma Centrella arrived in time to stabilize the defense. After two days of fighting, Leo's Demons withdrew.[5]

In 3035 the Fourth was based on Gei-Fu in preparation for a raid on Brighton. At this time Colonel Gordon was anxious to take his regiment out of the CCAF and return to the mercenary life. Because of this, the two battalions of Warrior House Ijori were on Gei-Fu to keep an eye on Gordon's Demons.[6] The Black Widow Battalion landed on Gei-Fu and assaulted the Ijori units but didn't engage the Demons.[7]

War of 3039

Operation Guerrero

Operation Bulldog

Xin Sheng Campaign

The Fourth faced the 1st St. Ives Lancers on Gei-Fu. They fought the St. Ives unit to a draw, but the battle was otherwise inconclusive.[8]

In 3067 Faith McCarron received permission to search for the force that sabotaged the CCS Ilsa Hyung. She caught up with the Jie Fang Legion and destroyed a company of 'Mechs and armor. Upon her return, her unit was used as the core of a fourth battalion.[9] The entire unit was based on Ares.[10]


During Operation SOVEREIGN JUSTICE Ares was attacked by the 5th Syrtis Fusiliers and 20th Avalon Hussars.[11][12] The Fourth MAC held them off, and with assistance from the Blackwind Lancers, drove the Davion unit off-world.[13]

In 3078 the Fourth Cavalry and 4th Tau Ceti Rangers grounded on Hsien. There they started a three way fight with the Protectorate Milita units stationed on world and forces that were part of the Coalition. Eventually they joined with the Coalition forces to defeat the Blakist troops, but the Coalition forces prevented them from finishing off the surrendered Blakist unit. The Fourth then turned their attention to the Coalition forces and tried to drive them off Hsien, but were unsuccessful.[14] In fact, Richard Carson was using the standoff on Hsien as a training tool for Faith McCarron.[15]

Post-Jihad Era

Faith McCarron was able to successfully persuade - or intimidate - the Republican forces on Hsien to leave after months of low-level skirmishes and posturing; this impressed Lord Carson enough that he decided it was time to retire, leaving the newly-promoted Sang-shao Faith McCarron in charge of Faith's Fortunates. As at 3081 the Fortunates were eagerly anticipating orders for a campaign against the Republic of the Sphere, with a healthy feeling of competition brewing between the 4th and the regiment commanded by Faith's brother Ramses McCarron.[16]

In 3081 Sun-Tzu Liao activated Operation CELESTIAL VENGEANCE, an assault by the Capellan Confederation on the Republic of the Sphere. The Fourth was assigned to New Canton, where their new commander, Faith McCarron, was killed. The remaining members of the Fourth resisted the combined might of the Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Hastati Sentinels, fighting for hours. They eventually surrendered when they had been reduced to two lances. The unit hadn't been rebuilt by 3085.[17]

The Fourth MAC attacked Cumberland in 3145. They faced stiff resistance from Cumberland's Missiliers, but eventually took the world.[18]


As of 3025, the commanding officer was Colonel Leo Hickney.[19]

As of 3050 to 3054, the commanding officer was Colonel Vallory Gordon.[20][21]

As of 3063 to 3067, the commanding officer was Sang-shao Lord Richard Carson.[8][10] In 3081 Lord Carson was succeeded as CO by Faith McCarron.[16]


The command uses small units to find the enemy. If the enemy follow them in their retreat other forces start a flanking assault. Should the opponent turn to the new threat the retreating units attacks again. The conventional forces are trained to close the gap to the enemy swiftly to deliver devastating attacks.[8]

Composition History


Leo's Demons (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[19]

  • CO: Colonel Leo Hickney
  • 1st Battalion: Major Victor Lesurn
  • 2nd Battalion: Major David Kincade
  • 3rd Battalion: Major Vallory Gordon


Carhart's Demons (Regiment/Veteran/Fanatical)[22]


Gordon's Demons (Regiment/Veteran/Fanatical)[20][21]

  • CO: Colonel Vallory Gordon


  • 4th McCarron's Armored Cavalry (Regiment/Veteran/Fanatical)[8][10]
  • CO: Sang-shao Lord Richard Carson
  • 2nd Battalion: Zhong-shao Dave Stansel
  • 3rd Battalion: Zhong-shao Pavel Moskva

- Each Battalion fields two scout lances and one assault lance
- Includes an extra Augmented Company of Tanks and Fa Shih Battle Armor

Capellan Navy Eclipse Flight (1 Flight/Veteran/Fanatical)[8][10]

- on loan until the Fourth can reconstitute their aerospace support

Carson's Armored Vanguard (1 Battalion/Veteran/Reliable)[8][10]

  • Armor Commander: Sao-shao Justin Kiriakus

- Light and faster units prefered

Carson's Valets (2 Battalions/Regular/Reliable)[8][10]

  • Infantry Commander: Zhong-shao Carter Zimm

- The 1st Battalion field a laser-infantry unit
- The 2nd contains one Company of artillery, VTOLs and armored infantry

By 3067 the unit was a reinforced regiment of four battalions. They were only five percent below their nominal 'Mech complement. The armor and infantry units were at full strength. After the fighting with the Jie Fang Legion, the Eclipse Flight was only able to field eighty percent of their strength.[10]



  1. Wolf's Dragoons (sourcebook), p. 10
  2. Historical: Brush Wars, p. 63
  3. Historical: Brush Wars, p. 64
  4. Historical: Brush Wars, p. 66
  5. Historical: Brush Wars, pp. 67-68
  6. More Tales of the Black Widow, p. 9
  7. More Tales of the Black Widow', pp. 9-10
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Field Manual: Capellan Confederation, p. 90, "4th McCarron's Armored Cavalry Unit Profile"
  9. Field Manual: Updates, p. 26
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Field Manual: Updates, p. 32, "CCAF Deployment Table - 3067"
  11. Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents, p. 17
  12. Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade, p. 224
  13. Jihad Hot Spots: 3070, p. 25
  14. Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, pp. 78-79
  15. Field Report: CCAF, p. 15
  16. 16.0 16.1 Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 100, "McCarron's Armored Cavalry"
  17. Field Manual: 3085, p. 26
  18. Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League, p. 46
  19. 19.0 19.1 House Liao (The Capellan Confederation), p. 85, "McCarron's Armored Cavalry"
  20. 20.0 20.1 20 Year Update, p. 63, "CCAF Deployment Table - 3050"
  21. 21.0 21.1 Objective Raids, p. 41, "CCAF Deployment Table - 3054"
  22. Historical: War of 3039, p. 140
