Sarna News: Bad 'Mechs - Icestorm

Alpha Galaxy (Clan Blood Spirit)

Revision as of 19:55, 7 January 2012 by Scaletail (talk | contribs) (no source)



The first Clan Blood Spirit Galaxy created.

Burrock Absorption

Attacked Albion during the Burrock Absorption, facing the Star Adder's own Alpha Galaxy and the Burrocks' Kappa Galaxy.[1]

Initially met with success, but were eventually forced off-world.

Has since rebuilt and expanded by taking in the remnants of other Blood Spirit units, including from the destroyed Beta and Kappa Galaxies.[1]

3067 Update

Alpha Galaxy remained on the defensive on York, counterattacking where possible, at the cost of a Cluster.[2]


As of 3067 the Commanding Officer was Galaxy Commander Jon Church, who had been in command since at least 3059.[1]

In 3084 the commanding officer was Khan Bryce Schmitt.[3]


Use hit and fade attacks initially, until the enemy force expects it, then launch full frontal assault.[1]

Paint Scheme

Alpha Galaxy employs a utilitarian scheme of desert tans with blood red highlights.[citation needed]

Composition History



  • Red Guards - CO/Star Colonel Jessie Keller)
  • 7th Blood Drinkers (Cluster) - CO/Star Colonel Colin Lewis)
  • 55th Red Vanguard (Cluster) - CO/Star Colonel Seff Johns)
  • 72nd Crimson Cuirassiers (Cluster) - CO/Star Colonel Carmen DeLuca)


  • Red Guards - CO/Star Colonel Katja Keller
  • 7th Blood Drinkers Cluster - CO/Star Colonel Rudolph DeLuca
  • 66th Blood Hussars - CO/Star Colonel Nancy Cluff

Former Units

  • 37th Red Assault - unknown status, possibly disbanded
  • 112th Scarlet Battle - unknown status, possibly disbanded



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 31, "Alpha Galaxy Profile"
  2. Field Manual: Update, p. 41, "Blood Spirit Touman"
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Wars of Reaving, p. 157, "Clan Blood Spirit Touman [3084]"
  4. Field Manul: Update, p. 70, "Clan Blood Spirit Deployment Table"
