Sarna News: Bad 'Mechs - Icestorm

Annette Leyland

Revision as of 21:25, 9 February 2022 by Mage (talk | contribs)
Annette Leyland
Also known as"Atomic Annie"[1]
Died4 February, 3073[2]
AffiliationFederated Commonwealth
RankLeftenant General[1]
Position(s)Commanding Officer of the Fifth FedCom RCT
SpouseMark Scar (lover)

Annette "Atomic Annie" Leyland served in the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth as the commanding officer of the Fifth FedCom RCT. She and her unit became infamous during their battles in the FedCom Civil War for using nuclear weapons.


Originally posted as the executive officer of the Fifth FedCom RCT, under the command of Hauptmann General James White, Annette Leyland was tapped by High Command to cover down on the day-to-day responsibilities of running the unit when her superior began to abuse prescription narcotics. When General White died during the ill-fated invasion of Axton in 3063, Leyland succeeded him in command, and led the unit into combat against the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers and the First Bell Training Battalion.

Battle of Axton

Battle of Marlette


Third Battle of New Avalon

In December 3072, Annette and the remnant of the Fifth FedCom RCT arrived on New Avalon to assist in lifting the Word of Blake siege of the planet.[1] She ordered the use of five of her remaining six nuclear warheads and managed to destroy several Word of Blake ships that were in orbit, breaking through their blockade. When she reached the ground, she was greeted by Marshal of the Armies Jackson Davion, who still bore a grudge against her for what she had done during the Civil War. Despite his personal feelings, he allowed her and the Fifth FedCom to join in the war efforts as the Federated Suns forces on New Avalon were at the breaking point. She and her unit joined in several defensive and offensive operations in support of Jackson's troops. [1]

By February 3073, Annette realized that the situation was more dire than it had seemed. Seeing an opportunity to clear her name and redeem her honor once and for all, she scouted out a stealthy route through the Blakist sensor net into the heart of their forces then ordered the Fifth to launch a diversionary attack. Saying her goodbyes to her good friend and lover Colonel Mark Scar, Annette set off on her pre-planned route in her Penetrator BattleMech, her very last atomic weapon strapped inside its frame. She would sacrifice herself to annihilate the majority of the Blakist 'Mechs. Jackson, who had been keeping a close eye on Annette since her landing, quickly put the pieces of her plan together and moved to intercept her in his BattleMaster, accompanied by his body guards and Colonel Scar. The men were able to cut her off before she delivered her final payload, and between Jackson's arguments and Scar temporarily relieving her of her command, she was convinced to disarm the warhead and return to friendly lines.

Knowing that she could not have managed to get this far in her plan without secret assistance from someone in command, Jackson was already suspicious that the person who had supplied her with the location of the warheads on Axton was now trying to tie up their loose ends by allowing her to go to her death. Annette opened a private channel and confessed that she had finally learned the traitor's identity: General William Kossacks, the respected former commander of the Second Davion Guards. Shocked and enraged, Jackson recorded both her words and his statement authenticating them, detailing how Annette had been played from the start by Kossacks.[2]

As the party made their way back to Davion lines, they were ambushed by enemy forces, including a Blakist unit led by Precentor Avitue, who sought to destroy Jackson Davion. In the chaos that followed, he and Annette were separated from the rest of their party, but not before he was able to transmit his recorded statement. Avitue squared off against the two Federated Suns pilots, gunning for Jackson. Annette Leyland maneuvered her 'Mech between the Precentor and the Marshal, hoping to save him, and was killed when a PPC burst from Avitue's Grim Reaper shattered her 'Mech's cockpit.[2]


In the FedCom Civil War, Leyland piloted a Nightstar BattleMech in standard Fifth FedCom livery when she took to the field.[3] During the events of the Jihad and the Fifth FedCom RCT's actions on New Avalon, Leyland utilized a Penetrator 'Mech, painted in standard camouflage with a black rat insignia painted on its left chest.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Isle of the Blessed, Book 1, Chapter 4: A New War
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Isle of the Blessed, Book 2, Chapter 6: The Third Battle of New Avalon
  3. Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade, p. 226
