Bella Bragg

Bella Bragg
AffiliationFederated Suns

Bella Bragg was the commanding officer of the Thirty-ninth Avalon Hussars as of 3050.[2]


Hauptmann-General Bragg, serving with the Thirty-ninth Avalon Hussars, was stationed on Newtown Square in 3050.[2] By 3062, now-Major General Bragg continued to command the Thirty-ninth Hussars and remained on Newton Square.[3] Commanding a Davion unit in an increasingly-xenophobic Lyran Commonwealth, Bragg found herself and the Thirty-ninth effectively marooned. With no chance for furthering her career and a belief that returning to the Federated Suns would not benefit her or her unit, Bragg made it her mission to keep the Thirty-ninth Avalon alive while inconveniencing the Lyran Alliance Armed Forces as much as possible (with rumors suggesting that she received help from Arc-Royal in accomplishing these goals).[3]

Civil War[edit]

On 21 December 3062, Civil War struck the Thirty-ninth Avalon's posting on Newtown Square. The mercenary Deep Hunters, allied with the Lyrans and concerned that the larger Thirty-ninth Avalon would soon destroy them, decided to launch a first strike against Bragg's command and control facilities and Newtown Square's capital city. This strike definitively failed, although the talented pilots of the Deep Hunters' aerospace forces nearly destroyed all of Bragg's own aerospace assets.[4]

On 2 April 3063, Prince Victor Steiner-Davion landed on Newtown Square in order to link up with Bragg and the Thirty-ninth Avalon Hussars, although at this point the Thirty-ninth had split into numerous hunter-killer units in order to annihilate the last resisting Deep Hunters. Unbeknownst to Victor's forces, the Deep Hunters had already called for assistance and the responding Fourteenth Donegal Guards (commanded by Leutnant-General Adam Steiner) had been waiting in-system for Victor to fully deploy to the planet. Bragg's advice to Victor lead to him abandoning the city of Market and his DropShips but gave him and the Thirty-ninth Avalon a chance to regroup and strike back against Steiner and his Donegal Guards. Only on 17 April were Victor and the Thirty-ninth allowed to rest and rearm after being chased across most of a continent by the dogged Donegal Guards, with the remaining aerospace fighters of the Thirty-ninth providing significant coverage to their retreating ground-based comrades.[5]

On 24 April, the Donegal Guards caught up to the Thirty-ninth Avalon and scattered the Hussars' forces, leaving only two battalions to support Victor. Fortunately for the Federated Suns troops, right as Victor's 'Mech was downed by a frenzied Lyran assault, DropShips belonging to the Victor-alligned 244th Division of the Com Guards arrived over the battlefield. Although injured, Victor soon recovered and used the resources taken from the surrendered Fourteenth Donegal to resupply both the 244th Division and the Thirty-ninth Avalon Hussars, before leaving the still-armed but now-stranded Donegal Guards to defend Newtown Square against possible Clan Jade Falcon assaults.[5]

After four years and several more battles, Bella Bragg and the Thirty-ninth Avalon Hussars found themselves at the close of the Civil War in the Tharkad system. Although Bragg and the Thirty-ninth declared their willingness to fight for Archon Peter Steiner-Davion's cause, the Archon decided that the matter of liberating Tharkad was best left to Lyran forces and didn't commit the Thirty-ninth to battle. [6]

Post-Civil War[edit]

After the conclusion of the Civil War, Bragg was promoted to general and lead her rebuilding Thirty-ninth Avalon Hussars in their new postings to Talon and Wernke.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Field Manual: Updates, p. 138: "Armed Forces of the Federated Suns Deployment Table"
  2. 2.0 2.1 20 Year Update, p. 24: "Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Field Manual: Federated Suns, p. 56: "39th Avalon Hussars Unit Profile"
  4. FedCom Civil War, p. 41: "Newtown Square"
  5. 5.0 5.1 FedCom Civil War, p. 66: "Newtown Square"
  6. FedCom Civil War, p. 174: "Lyran Alliance"
