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Difference between revisions of "Benjamin"

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* [[1st Ghost|First Ghost]]<ref name=H:Wo3039>''Historical: War of 3039'', p. 139, "Deployment Table"</ref>
* [[1st Ghost|First Ghost]]<ref name=H:Wo3039p139>''Historical: War of 3039'', p. 139, "Deployment Table"</ref>
* [[2nd Ghost|Second Ghost]]<ref name=H:Wo3039p139/>
* Seventeenth Benjamin Regulars<ref name=H:Wo3039/>
* Seventeenth Benjamin Regulars<ref name=H:Wo3039/>

Revision as of 15:34, 6 December 2013

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This article has completed Phase 0 of the Overhaul effort.

(References to Benjamin)

System Information
X:Y Coordinates123.89:135.52[e]
Spectral classM1V[1][2]
Recharge time202 hours[2]
Recharge station(s)Zenith, Nadir[1]

Note: X and Y are coordinates (light years on XY plane) relative to Terra at (0, 0)


Owner History

Planetary Info

The world of Benjamin is a large planet, which orbits a dim star. The world is made habitable due to its twenty orbital "semi-suns", which are similar to a JumpShip's Solar Sails. These semi-suns provide up to 20 percent boost to the world's sunlight. Benjamin enjoys a pleasant climate weather and plenty of petroleum resources. The planet boasts a strong mix of agricultural and manufacturing businesses.[1]

The world's capital city is Deber City. The planet serves as the capital and namesake of the Benjamin Military District of the Draconis Combine.[1]

Planetary History

Early History

By the early twenty-fourth century, in the absence of central control from the Terran Alliance the world of Benjamin had not only survived as an independent world, but had also managed to put itself in a position to exercise control over several neighbouring worlds. When Director Shiro Kurita of the Alliance of Galedon conducted a year-long tour of worlds near the Alliance in 2309-2310, he included Benjamin on his tour; he brought with him evidence purporting to show that one or more of the other small states nearby had designs on conquering Benjamin, and offered to mediate between Benjamin and its opponents. He also offered to protect Benjamin by allowing Benjamin and its client worlds to join the Alliance, thereby allying itself with a stronger power.[3]

The rulers of Benjamin accepted this proposal, not realising that Director Kurita had invented the evidence and deliberately played a number of small states based around the worlds of Dieron, Junction, Luthien, Pesht and Worrell against each other, dramatically expanding the Alliance's size.[3] The worlds of Dieron and Altair were responsible for Director Kurita's subterfuge coming to light, when in June 2311 a dispute broke out between the two; each called on its great ally only to discover that they were both allied with Director Shiro Kurita. Each planetary ruler discovered that they had been promised the same things, and word soon spread to the other planets seduced by Director Kurita's diplomatic campaign.[4]

Of all the worlds that had been tricked, those that took the greatest offense were the rulers of Asgard, Benjamin and Telos IV. Furious at having been manipulated and feeling betrayed, the three became increasingly hostile; Director Kurita responded by gathering together a thousand or more dignitaries and ruling lords from the northeast quadrant of the Inner Sphere to the Council of One summit in September 2311. He spoke passionately to those present of the need for cooperation between the worlds of the region for the betterment of all, and then called for a vote on his proposal of alliance. Those dignitaries who voted in favor departed safely; those who didn't were executed by the two companies of crack troops assembled around the summit by Shiro's brother Urizen Kurita before being shipped back to their next of kin.[4]

With the Council of One dispensed with, Director Kurita deployed both the Alliance of Galedon fleet and his land forces to the conquest of Asgard, Benjamin and Telos IV. The troops landed that same September and began attempts to subdue the population. The inhabitants of Benjamin were determined to retain their freedom and resisted bitterly, adopting the same guerrilla tactics used effectively by various worlds during the Outer Reaches Rebellion a century before. Director Kurita used every method at his disposal short of weapons of mass destruction, and the casualties on both sides were enormous, but eventually the three worlds were forced to capitulate; Benjamin was the last to surrender, holding out until October 2312.[4]

First Succession War

In 2794 the Draconis Combine was able to ambush and destroy the Tamar Tigers putting an end to their raids.[9]


Renegade AFFS forces from the Draconis March (2nd Robinson Rangers, Sakhara Academy Training Battalion[19])launched an attack on Benjamin during the first week of December 3068. Rather than simply striking at the planet and leaving, the rogue units remained in place; the initial assault decimated the defending 6th Ghost, and reports indicated that Ninyu Kerai, Chief of the Combine's ISF, had also been claimed as a victim during the attack. The DCMS deployed additional troops to Benjamin during the first week of February 3069, intending to drive out the rogue Draconis March units, but beginning on the 14th of February the Word of Blake launched raids intended to disrupt the command structure of the DCMS, attacking both Benjamin and Pesht. A Word attack on the 20th of February shattered both the AFFS and DCMS units on Benjamin, with the Federated Suns units retreating off-world on the 25th; even as they left, the Blakists were continuing to attack Benjamin with Pocket WarShips.[20]

In 3072, Word of Blake forces arrived in system and assaulted the planet. These forces, led by the 28th Division with support from the 45th Shadow Division and mercenary units[21] seized the planet on the 12th of May.[11][12] Nine of the planet's semi-suns were destroyed the initial invasion. Benjamin's defending DCMS forces were overwhelmed by the Blakist forces, who secured the planet with surrender of the 6th Ghost Regiment. However, a guerrilla resistance force fought on after the occupation of the planet.[21]

The Combine attempted unsuccessfully to break the siege of Benjamin in a campaign fought during the first two weeks of November 3072.[22][14] The battle cost the Combine three of their WarShips, the Kyushu-class frigate DCS Luthien and the Inazuma-class corvettes DCS Night of Agony and DCS Swiping Claw.[23]

Just a few weeks later, the DCMS were presented with the opportunity needed to free Benjamin; a naval flotilla from Clan Nova Cat backed up with ground forces attacked the defending Word of Blake forces in a sudden assault on the 16th of December 3072. The Nova Cat forces overwhelmed the majority of the defending Blakist forces before moving on, allowing the surviving DCMS forces still on Benjamin to reclaim the planet.[14][13]

The various battles in the Benjamin system in 3072 would claim a total of five Blakist WarShips. From their original fleet salvaged from the Ruins of Gabriel and elsewhere, the Word of Blake lost the Lola III-class destroyer WoBS Faith's End and the Vincent Mk. 39-class WoBS Blade of Holiness. The Blakists also lost the Fox-class corvettes FSS Robinson and LAS Robert Kelswa, captured earlier from the Federated Suns and Lyran Alliance respectively, as well as the Eagle-class FWLS Bors, one of the WarShips from the Free Worlds League navy the Blakists had suborned in the opening stages of the Jihad.[24][25]

At the end of June 3073, after weeks of negotiations and wrangling, the Azami worlds agreed to send delegates to Benjamin to meet with elements of the Combine leadership to discuss the crisis betwen the two. The Azami delegation was subsequently ambushed en route to Benjamin on the 21st of July by a small Word of Blake AeroSpace Fighter force. This exacerbated the tensions in the Arkab-Combine relationship, as the Azami accused the Combine government of failing to protect the Azami delegates intentionally.[14][26]

When the Blakists were eventually driven off of Benjamin, the Dragon's propaganda machine kicked into overdrive; the events of the Benjamin assault were trumpeted across the Combine, and the number of recruits applying to join the Benjamin Regulars skyrocketed. To provide the best recruits to the Regulars the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery established the Osaka Fields Proving Grounds. This training facility takes in recruits and provides basic training before sending the most promising recruits on to other academies.[2]

On the 17th of October 3073, Coordinator Hohiro Kurita agreed to meet with Precentor Martial Victor Steiner-Davion and Devlin Stone on Tukayyid, and began preparations to travel as soon as possible from Benjamin. Just a few weeks later on the 19th of November rogue operatives from the Combine Internal Security Force attempted to assassinate the Gunji-no-Kanrei, Kiyomori Minamoto, on Benjamin, although the attempt failed.[27][28]

As a result of the assassination attempt a purge of local ISF and DCMS forces was ordered, and on the 10th of December 3073 Kanrei Minamoto declared that the Black Dragon Society elements had been successfully removed; he then invited the Azami worlds to send delegates to Benjamin for a second time to resume negotiations.[28][29] A month later on the 21st of January 3074 a second delegation of Arkab leaders agreed to make one more effort to meet with the Kanrei; the Word of Blake again launched an attack at the delegation, this time on the 17th of February, but this time AeroSpace forces from the DCMS and the Azami successfully repelled the attack. The delegation arrived safely on Benjamin on the 25th of March, and began ten days of negotiation that ultimately failed to bring the Arkab worlds back into the Combine, but which did generate an agreement to concentrate all military energies on the common enemy - the Word of Blake. The Combine also promised to direct relief efforts to the stricken Arkab worlds.[28][30]

The Blakists destroyed several of the "semi-suns" during their assault. These hadn't been repaired by 3079. The resulting loss in received sunlight seriously reduced the agricultural output and forced Benjamin to import food.[2]

Planetary Garrison




3055 to 3062




- At this point in time the 2nd operating at 25% of full strength, with 80% of their equipment featuring upgraded technology.
- The Ryuken-roku operating at 20% of full strength, with 60% of their equipment featuring upgraded technology.


- At this time the 43rd was at 35% of full strength, with 100% of their equipment featuring upgraded technology.

Manufacturing Center

Nearby Planets

Planets within 2 jumps (60 light-years)
Closest planets first:
Planet Distance (LY) Jumps 2750 3025 3030 3040 3052 3057 3062
Fukuroi 13.57 1 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Cadiz 14.75 1 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Saaremaa 15.05 1 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Hagiwawa 22.70 1 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Helsingfors 26.94 1 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Umijiri 28.43 1 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Sutama 35.38 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Mersa Matruh 35.44 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Vanern 36.06 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Kajikazawa 36.89 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Monistrol 37.45 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Awano 38.93 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Kitalpha 39.70 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Annapolis 41.14 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Tok Do 45.40 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Osmus Saar 47.17 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Falsterbo 48.98 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Shibukawa 49.61 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Apriki 51.31 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Peacock 51.36 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Waddesdon 53.27 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Tamsalu 53.31 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Aix-la-Chapelle 56.08 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC
Junction 57.40 2 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 184, "Benjamin Planet Profile"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Objectives: Draconis Combine, p. 23, "Benjamin"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 23, "Political Maneuvers"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 24, "Conquest of Resistance"
  5. Historical: Reunification War, p. 159, "Inner Sphere Map [2596]"
  6. House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 49, "Takiro Kurita"
  7. Era Report: 2750, p. 37, "Inner Sphere - 2750"
  8. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 11, "Inner Sphere - 2765"
  9. 9.0 9.1 House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 57, "Military Realities"
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Field Manual: Updates, p. 97, "Com Guards Deployment Table"
  11. 11.0 11.1 Jihad Hot Spots: 3076, p. 22, "Timeline of the Jihad"
  12. 12.0 12.1 Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 50, "The Jihad In Review"
  13. 13.0 13.1 Jihad Hot Spots: 3076, p. 26, "Timeline of the Jihad"
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 51, "The Jihad In Review"
  15. Field Report: DCMS, p. 21, "Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery Deployment Map - August 3079"
  16. Map of the Inner Sphere 3130
  17. Era Report: 3145, p. 11, "Inner Sphere Map - [3135]"
  18. Era Report: 3145, p. 39, "Inner Sphere Map - [3145]"
  19. Total Chaos, p. 115
  20. 20.0 20.1 Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 46, "The Jihad In Review"
  21. 21.0 21.1 Jihad Hot Spots: 3072, p. 76, "Benjamin Falls"
  22. Jihad Hot Spots: 3076, p. 23, "Timeline of the Jihad"
  23. Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, p. 30, "DCA Readiness Report"
  24. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 128, "Original Word Of Blake Fleet"
  25. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 128, "Captured Ships"
  26. Jihad Hot Spots: 3076, p. 33, "Timeline of the Jihad"
  27. Jihad Hot Spots: 3076, p. 34, "Timeline of the Jihad"
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 52, "The Jihad In Review"
  29. Jihad Hot Spots: 3076, p. 38, "Timeline of the Jihad"
  30. Jihad Hot Spots: 3076, p. 48, "Timeline of the Jihad"
  31. 31.0 31.1 Historical: War of 3039, p. 138 "Deployment Table"
  32. 32.0 32.1 Historical: War of 3039, p. 139, "Deployment Table"
  33. 20 Year Update, p. 41, "Draconis Combine Deployment Table"
  34. 20 Year Updage, p. 70, "Com Guards Deployment Tabel"
  35. ComStar (sourcebook), p. 84, "Com Guards Deployment Table"
  36. Field Manual: ComStar, p. 125, "ComGuard Deployment Table"
  37. 37.0 37.1 Field Manual: Updates, p. 116, "Draconis Combine Deployment Table"
  38. Field Report: DCMS, p. 8, "Benjamin Regulars Regimental Status"
  39. Field Report: DCMS, p. 17, "Ryuken Profile"
  40. Field Manual: 3085, p. 160, "Mercanary Forces Deployment Table - 3085"
