Sarna News: Bad 'Mechs - Icestorm


Revision as of 10:43, 29 November 2011 by Doneve (talk | contribs) (updated garrisoning military force by Field Report: Clans info)
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(References to Erewhon)

Note: X and Y are coordinates (light years on XY plane) relative to Terra at (0, 0)

X: -185.71 Y: 449.04[e]

Garrisoning Military Forces


Manufacturing Center

Owner History

Nearby Planets

Planets within 2 jumps (60 light-years)
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Planet Distance (LY) Jumps 2750 3025 3030 3040 3052 3057 3062
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Bone-Norman 21.13 1 LC LC LC FC CJF CJF CJF
Anywhere 21.23 1 RWR LC LC FC CJF CJF CJF
Somerset 33.49 2 RWR LC LC FC FC LA LA
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Barcelona 39.57 2 RWR LC LC FC CJF CJF CJF
Last Chance 41.11 2 RWR P P P CJF CJF CJF
Black Earth 52.96 2 LC LC LC FC CJF CJF CJF
Golandrinas 53.06 2 RWR LC LC FC CJF CJF CJF
Bensinger 57.65 2 RWR LC LC FC CJF CSV CJF
Wotan 58.08 2 RWR LC LC FC CJF CJF CJF
Apollo 58.45 2 RWR LC LC FC CJF CJF CJF


  1. Field Report: Clans, p. 15, "Clan Jade Falcon Deployment Status"
  2. Handbook: Major Periphery States, p. 18, "Rim Worlds Republic after Age of War [2571]"
  3. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 25, "Lyran Commonwealth after Age of War [2571]"
  4. Handbook: Major Periphery States, p. 25, "Rim Worlds Republic At the Fall of the Star League [2750]"
  5. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 36, "Lyran Commonwealth after First Succession War [2822]"
  6. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 40, "Lyran Commonwealth after Second Succession War [2822]"
  7. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 47, "Lyran Commonwealth after Third Succession War [3025]"
  8. The Periphery (sourcebook), p. 157, "Map of the Periphery"
  9. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 56, "Lyran Commonwealth after Fourth Succession War [3030]"
  10. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 59, "Lyran Commonwealth after War of 39 [3040]"
  11. Map of the Inner Sphere 3130
