Future Triumph

Future Triumph
Vessel Profile


As of April 3062 the Fredasa-class corvette Future Triumph was a WarShip within the Clan Nova Cat touman and as such was serving the Second Star League as the SLS Future Triumph within the Transcendent Naval Star.[1]

Still a part of the Transcendent Naval Star in late 3067,[2] and in 3078 the NCS Future Triumph served as a part of Task Force EARTHBOUND, the WarShip flotilla responsible for clearing the naval defenses around Terra as a part of the allied coalition efforts to capture the planet from the Word of Blake.[3]

The Future Triumph was lost in action late in the Jihad.[4]


  1. Field Manual: ComStar, p. 133, "Naval Assets"
  2. Field Manual: Updates, p. 96, "Naval Fleet"
  3. Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, p. 95, "Classified: Eyes Only - Top Secret"
  4. Field Report: Clans, p. 16, "Fleet Assets"
