Gunthar von Strang

Gunthar von Strang
Also known asVampire von Strang
AffiliationHouse von Strang

Gunthar von Strang was an officer of the Rim Worlds Republic during the Amaris Civil War.


Gunthar von Strang was tall, gaunt, and thoroughly evil, commanding the equally-despised Eighteenth Amaris Chasseurs. Stefan Amaris gave the regiment administrative control over the northeastern section of Terra's North American continent, to which Colonel von Strang exploited as he saw fit. The Eighteenth looted cities, killed civilians for fun, and deprived all survivors of even the most basic human rights.[1]

During the last days of the war, when the Star League Defense Force was liberating Terra, the Eighteenth attempted to flee via the La Guardia Spaceport and was crushed by the 146th Royal BattleMech Division.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Jade Falcon Sourcebook, p. 22
