Sarna News: Bad 'Mechs - Icestorm


Revision as of 19:42, 14 February 2019 by Dmon (talk | contribs) (Removed the CCG card as it looks weird having an entire card there.)
This article is about the world‎. For other uses, see Huntress (disambiguation).
This article is undergoing revision as part of Project: Planets, a collaborative effort to improve BattleTechWiki's coverage of planets and systems. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can add your name to the list of volunteers.

This article has completed Phase 2 of the Overhaul effort.

System Information
X:Y Coordinates49.223 : 1757.87[e]
Spectral classG7V

Huntress II


Planetary History

Huntress was the homeworld to Clan Smoke Jaguar and is located within the Kerensky Cluster. The planet boasts two continents, Jaguar Prime and Abysmal as well as two polar ice caps. Jaguar Prime is the larger and more hospitable of the two land masses and is the primary center of the planet's population. Abysmal is a smaller landmass with a harsh, desert climate. Abysmal is only periodically utilized for training purposes by the Smoke Jaguars. Prime's geography on the other hand is not uniform and varies from plains, patches of desert, and rainforests which often pose as harsh contrasts to each other. A host of mountains break up the continent, most notably the Jaguar's Fangs range (which includes Mt. Szabo) and the aptly-named Eastern Mountains. Bodies of water like the Black Shikari River, named after its uncharacteristically dark waters, Liberation Sea, and the expansive fens of the Dhuan Swamp also stretch across the landscape. Prime's climate ranges from temperate to tropical and is characterized by ubiquitous, grey clouds and occasional, fierce storms. Huntress also has a single moon, named 'Sentry'. The distance from the system's star to Huntress is roughly seven days at a standard 1G burn.[citation needed]

Lootera is Huntress's capital and largest city. The city, like Jaguar Prime, is a series of contrasts with drab, featureless buildings standing in proximity to monolithic memorials to Smoke Jaguar heroes and the clan's proud, warrior tradition. Lootera is home to the Smoke Jaguar military command on planet, including a garrison of solahma warriors and a few training fields. It is also the site of the Smoke Jaguar Gene Center which houses the genetic legacies of the legendary Howell and Osis bloodlines (though it was also revealed that Smoke Jaguar scientists had secretly acquired copies of the giftakes of heroes from other Clans, like Aidan Pryde). This pyramidal structure also houses an eternal laser which constantly burns upwards in honor of Jaguar warriors who perished serving their clan. The Field of Heroes, a pavilion of stone-sculpted BattleMechs, stretches before the genetic repository as well. Mt. Szabo looms in the distance where a leaping Smoke Jaguar has been carved in its side in a monumental display of hubris. The mountain is also home to a subterranean military complex, complete with a rare and deadly Reagan anti-ship battery.[citation needed]

The cities of Bagera, Myer, Pahn City, and New Andery comprise the Smoke Jaguars' other major centers of population, industry, and military presence on planet. Falcon Eyrie is a unique exception, belonging to Clan Jade Falcon. Located in the remote Eastern Mountains, the small garrison facility was gifted to the Jade Falcon clan years ago as a gesture of goodwill by Ilkhan Leo showers. It has since been staffed by a small contingent of warriors (almost exclusively solahma) and scientists and has been used as a site for secret military and genetic research. The facility is purely symbolic and the Jade Falcons do not seek to expand their territorial holdings on the Smoke Jaguar homeworld. However, the Falcons presence has proven to be a source of periodic tension between either clan.[citation needed]


The Inner Sphere with a combination of Operations Bulldog and Serpent annihilated the Smoke Jaguar Clan and seized their Homeworld. This included the systematic destruction of every war-making industry, military base, and any monuments to the achievements of the Smoke Jaguar Clan. After the Great Refusal was won, the Inner Sphere held the Homeworld at least in part as a permanent outpost in Clan Space, where a Star League ambassador was stationed.[citation needed] However, the star League enclave only was Lootera and the surrounding area: the rest of the world was leaved free, and was taken by other clans. Some wanted the planet's resources, others only obtain the ProtoMech technology. The Abysmal continent was taken by clan Goliath Scorpion until 3067, and other areas by clan Coyote.[citation needed]

Military Deployment




Planetary Locations

  • Abysmal (continent)
  • Dhundh Sea
  • Jaguar Prime (continent)
    • Bagera: city
    • Black Shikari River
    • Falcon's Eyrie: Small Jade Falcon base in the mountains.
    • Lake Osis
    • Lootera: capital city
      • Technician's Quarter
      • Warrior Quarter
    • Mount Szabo
      • Hall of the Hunter: Command post buried inside the mountain.
    • Myer: city
    • New Andery: city
    • Pahn: city

Industrial Centers

Nearby Systems

Systems within 60 light-years (distance in light years)
Closest systems first:


  1. Twilight of the Clans, p. 57
  2. Twilight of the Clans, p. 58
  3. 3.0 3.1 Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 164 - "Warden Clans Deployment Table"
