Jump Point

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Jump Points refer to any point at which a JumpShip may initiate or resolve a "jump" through interstellar space. Traditionally, there are two jump points in a system - the zenith and the nadir of a star's gravity well (normally above and below the star's planetary system elliptic). There exist other points, called "pirate points", that a JumpShip can use, but recharging the Kearny-Fuchida Drive is more difficult and dangerous from these points.

Standard Jump Points

Two standard jump points exist - the zenith ("above" the star) and the nadir ("below" the star). Travel from the jump point to a planet in the system is traditionally in a straight-line from the jump point to the planet with an acceleration of 1G to a distance roughly half-way to the planet and a deceleration of 1G for the remaining distance. This is useful for crews and passengers as there's a minimal amount of time spent in zero-G and also easily acclimates them to planetary gravity.

Since JumpShips only carry DropShips between stars, the DropShips are responsible for transporting cargo to and from a planet. The amount of time required for a trip from a planet to a JumpShip or the reverse depends on the distance the JumpShip must maintain from the star to remain in the gravity well. That distance is determined by the type of star and can range anywhere from 75 million kilometers (for a low-energy M9 star) to over 347 billion kilometers (for a high-energy B0 star).

The energy output from the star (also based upon its type) determines how long a JumpShip can recharge its drive and can range anywhere from 151 hours (for a B0 star type) to 210 hours (for an M9 star type). The actual time required between jumps must also include the Jump Sail deployment and recovery times, typically about 100 minutes for deployment and 150-200 minutes for recovery. If the Jump Sail is damaged or cannot be deployed, the JumpShip's power plant can be used to recharge the drive (called "quick charge"), but this may damage the drive and render the JumpShip inoperable.

Pirate Jump Points

There are some non-standard jump points that will allow a JumpShip to enter a system much closer to the destination planet than the star's zenith or nadir jump points will. They are commonly used in high-risk military operations where surprise is vital to the operation's success. Jumping into a pirate point poses several risks, which is why most traditional merchants and even military units will not use them. Because of potential solar system instability, it is possible that the JumpShip could appear too close to a system body, which could destroy the vessel and its passengers. Another issue is that the JumpShip must recharge its K-F drive using its engine rather than the Jump Sail. This could potentially damage the fragile drive and render the JumpShip inoperable.

Recharge Stations

Some systems (particularly Successor State or regional capitals) provide recharge stations at one or possibly both jump points. These stations are capable of beaming stored energy directly at a JumpShip's JumpSail and reduces the recharge time to 150 hours in most cases.