Syngman Seong-Hwan

Syngman Seong-Hwan
Syngman Seong-Hwan
Republic of the Sphere

Syngman Seong-Hwan was a member of Lamenkov's Liability in 3085.[1]


He was born on Solaris VII from Terran Korean descent and very proud of it. Measuring 2.35 meters and weighing 174 kg the members of his battalion begun to refer to him as their mini-Elemental.

He was recruited on Gurnet and his performance has been respectable ever since. He made several times clear he was not interested in a command position.

He acquired his Clan 'Mech, a Karhu, when a Rasalhague Dominion MechWarrior who had joined the Republic died from wounds received in combat. Even though, this gift (a strange concept by itself by clan standards) did not provide Seong-Hwan with sufficient Clan equipment to fully repair its damage, and his configuration makes use of Inner Sphere technology.

He was chosen by General Belle Lee to act be part of the Errant Force Lamenkov's Liability. Once there, her commanding officer - Ilyena Lamenkov - in tribute to his excellent health and fitness designated him as Lance Grenadier in reference to the old military practice of assigning the largest and strongest men to grenadier formations.

He saw action with the unit in Schedar during 3085 against the Schedar Enlightenment and Liberation Force.[2]


He was very well versed in his ancestral nation's history, and kept up to date with prominent events from the region well in to the twenty-eighth century. He was fond of sharing anecdotes on the importance and contributions of Koreans throughout the ages, educating the members of his unit even in the heat of battle.[1]


By 3085 he was piloting a customized Karhu Syngman.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 BattleTech Dossiers: Lamenkov's Liability, p. 6: Character Biography
  2. BattleTech Dossiers: Lamenkov's Liability, pp. 2, 7: Introspective Enemy & Warm Welcome - short story and initial scenario tells opening actions and story of the Liability's first actions in the conflict against SELF.
