Sarna News: Bad 'Mechs - Icestorm


Revision as of 22:11, 23 May 2011 by CungrVanck (talk | contribs)

(References to Tamaron)

Note: X and Y are coordinates (light years on XY plane) relative to Strana Mechty at (0, 0)

X: 51[1] Y: 49

Planetary Description

Tamaron is a world located in the Kerensky Cluster in Clan space. It is best known for being the capital of Clan Coyote.

Planetary Data

  • Star Type: A3III
  • Position in System: 1 (of 2)
  • Surface Water: 40%
  • Atm. Pressure: Low (Tainted)
  • Surface Gravity: 0.7 G
  • Equatorial Temperature: 35°C
  • Highest Native Life: Plants
  • Population: 37,000,000 (3062)

Notable Species

Planetary History

It was on this world that Clan Coyote invented the first OmniMech, the Coyotl.

Though Tamaron was once considered only marginally habitable, Clan Coyote has overcome its ecosystem and built a thriving culture on world. The World has served as Clan Coyote's capital for many years. They have jealously guarded this world since its discovery and colonization over two centuries ago, allowing no other Clan to lay claim there.[2]

However, during the years when Clan Jade Falcon launched their offensive against the Lyran Alliance during the FedCom Civil War, those Falcon troops still in the Clan Homeworlds attacked Tamaron thinking it would be easy pickings for a chance to gain honor. They landed nearly unopposed and fought hard to gain a foothold. Within the first few days, they had captured the Landen 'Mech Production Complex. This assault united Clan Coyote which then lauched a campaign that successfully drove all Jade Falcon troops from the world.[3]

Garrisoning Military Force



Manufacturing Centers

Owner History

Nearby Planets

Planets within 2 jumps (60 light-years)
Closest planets first:
Planet Distance (LY) Jumps 2570 2750 3025 3030 3040 3052 3057 3062 3067
Kirin ??.?? ? UK UK Clan Clan Clan Clan Clan Clan Clan
Strato Domingo ??.?? ? UK UK Clan Clan Clan Clan Clan Clan Clan
Londerholm ??.?? ? UK UK Clan Clan Clan Clan Clan Clan Clan
Hellgate ??.?? ? UK UK Clan Clan Clan Clan Clan Clan Clan



  1. The Clans: Warriors of Kerensky, p. 112, Clan-Space Worlds Table
  2. The Clans: Warriors of Kerensky, p. 75, "The Clans"
  3. Field Manual: Updates, p. 56, "Warden Clans"
  4. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 162, "Warden Clans Deployment Table"
  5. Field Manual: Updates, p. 76, "Warden Clans TO&E"
