Barrie Fraga

Barrie Fraga
DiedAugust 3050
AffiliationFree Rasalhague Republic

Barrie Fraga was a military officer serving with the KungsArmé, the military of the Free Rasalhague Republic, and by 3050 had reached the rank of Överste and was serving as the Commanding Officer of the Third Kavalleri.[1]


In June 3050, the Third Kavalleri were defending Kirchbach alongside the First Kirchbach Armored Regiment when the invading forces of Clan Wolf used psychological warfare to their advantage. After hearing terrible stories of the strength of the enemy the Rasalhague warriors were frightened. When the Kavalleri met the Fourth Wolf Guards in combat, the Kavalleri started retreating, and only one battalion was able to escape off-world.[2]

Two months later, in August 3050, Clan Wolf forces landed on Basiliano to conquer the planet. The Third Kavalleri and the First Basiliano Mechanized Brigade were defending the planet, and faced forces from Clan Wolf's Gamma Galaxy. The defenders were optimistic that they could use what they'd learned from their previous battles to stall the Clan forces. Unfortunately for both the Kavalleri and the militia, the invading forces—the Bronze Keshik and elements of the Seventh Battle Cluster—were led in the field by Galaxy Commander Mikel Furey, one of the preeminent tacticians of the Clan Wolf touman.[3]

Furey kept the militia and Kavalleri off-balance with small probing attacks, making it impossible for Barrie Fraga to keep track of all of the Clan Wolf forces, before he led the Bronze Keshik in a flanking attack that hit the Kavalleri in the rear. The Kavalleri and militia were defeated in battles fought at Green Kurquat and Padua, with Fraga's 'Mech exploding after a ten-minute toe-to-toe duel with Furey at Padua.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 20 Year Update, p. 51: Rasalhague KungsArmé - Third Kavalleri Deployment as of 3050.
  2. Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 60
  3. 3.0 3.1 Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 62: "Basiliano"
