Fiona Amaris

Fiona Amaris
AffiliationHouse Amaris
Position(s)Commander of the Rim Royal Army

Fiona Amaris was the commander of the Rim Royal Army by 2651.[1]


Fiona Amaris introduced a new training program that permitted a rapid expansion of the Amaris military on short notice. Implemented shortly after Tadeo Amaris' humiliation in 2651 during the Selanta regime,[2] the Rim Royal Guard Act provided huge numbers of recruits advanced military training during a standard three-year tour of duty, after which they returned to civilian life but were subject to periodic recalls. These reservists could swell the ranks of the military when needed.[1][3]

The Act was in compliance with the Council Edict of 2650. By 2766, the Rim Worlds Republic officially had the strength of thirty BattleMech regiments and ten conventional regiments, though in actuality they could field triple the fighting force.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Periphery, p. 53: "Dark Clouds"
  2. Era Report: 2750, p. 26: "Honeymoon"
  3. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 52: "The Rim Worlds Army/Amaris Empire Armed Forces"
