Grover Simons

Grover Simons
AffiliationFederated Suns
RankField Marshal

Grover Simons was the commanding officer of the Clovis Combat Region of the Draconis March as of 2787.[1]


Field Marshal Simons was stationed on Clovis when it came under assault from the Draconis Combine's Third Sword of Light, Third Pesht Regulars, and Ninth Dieron Regulars in mid-2787. Utilizing the time bought by Clovis' limited naval defenders, Simons and his First Clovis Guards dug in around the capital of Gorst City and prepared a spirited defense in the hopes of eventual reinforcement. After nearly a week of fighting, Simons' efforts—and the Combine's desire to fight a "respectable battle" while avoiding the destruction of Clovis' headquarters facilities—resulted in the overwhelming Combine forces only being able to claim a small part of the Gorst City Valley. Meanwhile, with the Draconis Combine ravaging the entire Federated Suns border, the only reinforcements able to come to Simons' aid would be incapable of arriving in time.[1]

In the second week of the fight for Clovis, the FSS New Ivaarsen finally arrived bearing reinforcements from Xhosa VII but only made it halfway to the planet from the system's nadir jump point before Simons witnessed the collapse of two of his flanks in the face of determined Combine assaults. Low on munitions and certain that his reinforcements would not change the outcome of the battle, Simons sounded the retreat, with the remains of the First Clovis Guards defending the support staff and conventional soldiers as they boarded the few remaining DropShips left in Gorst City Spaceport. Simons boarded the last DropShip when his personal 'Mech was rendered inoperative by battle damage, although his ship was intercepted by Combine aerospace fighters before it could make good its escape. Ordered to surrender and land, Simons instead attempted to fight his way out, with the result being the loss of his DropShip and the deaths of all onboard.[1]

With Simons killed, the Draconis Combine were able to take the entire Clovis Combat Region, half of the Robinson and Dahar Combat Regions, and half a dozen worlds from the Fairfax Combat Region by the end of May 2787.[1]


Field Marshal Grover Simons piloted a Thug BattleMech, which was disabled shortly before his death.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 First Succession War, p. 39: "The Battle for Clovis"
