Kellin MacKenzie

Kellin MacKenzie
AffiliationClan Ghost Bear
RankStar Colonel

Kellin MacKenzie was a commanding officer of Clan Ghost Bear during Operation REVIVAL.


When the Clans initially drew up their invasion plans for Operation REVIVAL, Santander V technically fell within the invasion corridor of Clan Ghost Bear. However, because the Periphery had been declared open to all of the participating Invading Clans, the bid to conquer the world was contested by Clan Smoke Jaguar. The Smoke Jaguar saKhan Sarah Weaver and her Shroud Keshik eventually defeated her opponent, Star Colonel Kellin MacKenzie of the Ghost Bears for that right. Though both had bid down to a Trinary each, saKhan Weaver claimed victory when she removed her own BattleMech from the fight and Star Colonel MacKenzie failed to reciprocate; at the same time because saKhan Weaver had removed her 'Mech from the bidding process, she would coordinate the battle from her command DropShip.[1][2]


  1. Invading Clans, p. 18
  2. Invading Clans, p. 53
