Wanda Marik (Individual Gorgon-class DropShip)

Wanda Marik
Vessel Profile


Originally serving as part of the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth's navy, the Wanda Marik was noted for its actions during Operation Hammerfall. The ship's most noted action was during the 3138 defense of Helm. In this operation, the fought against both Clan Wolf and Lyran Commonwealth invasion forces. During this action, the Wanda Marik was able to damage elements of the Wolves' DropShip forces enough to delay their arrival on planet. During the fighting on Helm, the Wanda Marik then utilized its modified cargo bays to drop aerial bombs on the enemy expedition's ground forces.[1]


  1. Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League, p. 52 Gorgon Carrier - FWS Wanda Marik's ship history.
