Talk:Ral Partha Recon Lance

This is an sample of a Ral Partha lance page. This uses the the template from the pages for the Catalyst Lance Packs, and adapts it accordingly. Text for the box back is from . Perhaps an image could be uploaded, but I am not familiar with issues concerning images and permissions. The Ral Partha catalog from 1996 has black and white photos of the figures. Box images can also be found at .

I would invite feedback and comments here. (Note:Ral Partha had 8 inner sphere lance packs and 4 sets of four omni mechs). So before developing pages for those, it would seem prudent to refine and work out any issues with this sample page first. Then this can serve as a model for those other pages.--Dude RB (talk) 20:47, 11 May 2021 (EDT)