Amy Zimmers

Amy Zimmers
AffiliationWaco Rangers

Lieutenant Amy Zimmers was a member of the Waco Rangers from at least 3025 to 3058.[1][2]


In 3025, Amy Zimmers was a mere MechWarrior within the Waco Rangers' Rogers' Scout Lance, Preston's Medium Company of the Second Battalion (Kelly's Support Battalion).[1]

By 3058, however, she had been promoted to lieutenant and command of Zimmers' Fire Lance, Senmai's Support Company of Jefferson's Assault Battalion. In this role, she was a part of the Waco Rangers' contribution to the Coventry Expeditionary Force which fought against Clan Jade Falcon during the Battle of Coventry. On 10 April 3058, she participated in the Waco Rangers' fighting against the Third Falcon Talon Cluster after they landed on Coventry, near the town of Lietnerton.[2]


Amy Zimmers was known to have initially piloted a Cicada BattleMech around 3025.[1] By 3058, however, she was piloting a MAD-5D Marauder.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mercenary's Handbook, p. 88
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 The Battle of Coventry, p. 34
