Klaus Hettig

Klaus Hettig

Klaus Hettig was a ComStar Precentor who would often serve as a "Special Liaison" for Anastasius Focht.[1]


Hettig served as Focht's chief commtech in the Tamo Bunker during the Battle of Tukayyid.[2]. In April 3055, Klaus oversaw a meeting on Arc-Royal between Victor Steiner-Davion and Khan Phelan Kell about the Red Corsair.[1]

Following Operation Odysseus, Precentor Hettig went on to command Titan Yards, the last holdout of the reformed ComStar in Terran space. In 3058 he was present on Tharkad for the Whitting Conference when Trent revealed the existence of the Exodus Road map[3] With Victor Steiner-Davion's appointment to Precentor Martial by Anastasius Focht at the Second Whitting Conference, Klaus no longer felt loyalty to the Order. In early December 3061 he transferred all personnel of "questionable" loyalty out under the pretense of an emergency evacuation and he was able to signal to the Word his intentions and thus control over the entire system.[4][5] Hettig went on to become leader of the Expatriates[6], a "moderate" faction on the Word of Blake's Ruling Enclave. In 3065 many of their members, including Hettig, were allegedly unmasked as ComStar spies and executed.[7] Wolfnet analysts believed that Adept Maribel Johns was the one who turned in Hettig to Word of Blake ROM, though rumor attributes this to Alexander Kernoff.[8][9]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Natural Selection, ch. 4
  2. Lost Destiny, ch. 31
  3. Exodus Road, ch. 36
  4. Shattered Sphere, p. 108: "The Free Rasalhague Republic"
  5. Field Manual: ComStar, p. 46
  6. Field Manual: ComStar, p. 47
  7. Field Manual: Updates, p. 90
  8. Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, p. 240: "IRN-SD1 Ironsides"
  9. Interstellar Players, p. 14: "Fracture and Reformation: A Historical Perspective"
